
Westislonely is a 19-year-old powerhouse rockstar from Manchester.
Despite her music only being teased in staggered snippets on social media, her debut single “Toothache” has already become a viral sensation, garnering her over 1.4 million followers on TikTok and 100,000 on Instagram.
West’s success, although rare at such an early stage of her career, is a testament to both her music and her raw, defiant magnetism. She makes stormingly emotional, anthemic rock about the trials of growing up as a young woman in the 2020s – a blazing new take on feminine rage, served with thrashing guitars, guttural cries, and a wry, knowing wink.
“Toothache”, her debut single, is the first song she ever recorded, and its release has been a long time coming. West’s followers have been begging for the full track – which has only been teased in short, rip-roaring blasts – in her comments for the last two years. The track was inspired by the end of a long-distance relationship, and all of the heartbreak and delusion that she experienced in the days after it. The lyrics, although playfully melodramatic, pack a devastating emotional blow, capturing the sheer desperation – and the unplaceable rage – of a young love shattered.