Debbii Dawson

Debbii Dawson has captivated audiences through her unassuming demeanor and soft voice, setting the stage for her exceptional vocal ability and musicality that pushes boundaries.
A first-generation American raised in the rural Midwest, her musical legacy is rooted in her family history.
Her grandfather in India taught himself to play the organ by drawing a keyboard on the ground with charcoal and passed that skill set to Debbii’s father, who then taught her. She grew up traveling with her parents as they toured the United States and internationally as performers.
Through her artistic journey, she has created a playful, imaginative world of her own making, crafting a fusion of pop, folk, and country mixed with influences of iconic artists of the past, along with traces of her familial heritage, all woven together to form a rich musical tapestry that defies convention and is uniquely her own. Debbii released her debut EP, Learning, in 2023 and continues to leave her mark through the records she creates. A fresh and exciting new voice with new music set for release this year, Debbii continues to expand her world and invites audiences to join her along the way.